Ling Qiao Jie Du Wan 羚翘解毒丸

Ling Qiao Jie Du Wan 羚翘解毒丸 - Max Nature

Max Nature

SKU: N174

Ling Qiao Jie Du Wan is an effective Chinese herbal remedy for cold and flu.

200 Pills per bottle
Net Wt. 1.27oz. (180g)

5-8 Pills with warm water, 2-3 times daily.

Jin yin hua - Flos Lonicerae, Lian qiao - Fructus Forsythiae, Bo he - Herba Menthae, Jing jie - Herba Schizonepetae, Jie geng - Radix Platycodi, Dan zhu ye - Herba Lophatheri, Gan cao - Radix Glycyrrhizae