Jin Gu Die Da Wan 筋骨跌打丸

Jin Gu Die Da Pian is a Chinese herbal supplement that promotes blood circulation to remove Blood stasis, and strengthens bones and tendons to speed recovery from injury.
200 Pills per bottle
Net wt. 1.16 oz.
5-8 Pills with warm water, 2-3 times daily
San Qi (radis notoginseng), Chi Shao (radix paeoniae rubra), Xue Jie (resina draconis), Xu Duan (radix dipsaci), San Leng (rhizzoma sparganii), Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis), Tao Ren (semen persicae), Liu Ji Nu (herba artemisiae), Su Mu (lignum sappan)