Jie Yang Wan 解痒丸

Jie Yang Wan eliminates wind and heat evil. It promotes sweat and saliva production and increase blood flow, and thus helps metabolize toxins.
200 Pills per bottle
5-8 Pills with warm water, 2-3 times daily
Radix Angelicae Sinensis - Dang Gui, Radix Rehmanniae - Di Huang, Radix Ledebouriella Divaricatae - Fang Feng, Periostracum Cicadae - Chan Tui, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae - Zhi Mu, Soporae Flavescentis - Ku Shen, Herba Schizonepeta - Jing Jie, Rhizoma Atractylodes - Cang Zhu, Gypsum Fibrosum - Shi Gao, Radix Glycyrrhizae - Gan Cao