Zhuang Gu Guan Jie Wan - Strengthening Bone & Joint Pill 壮骨关节丸

Zhuang Gu Guan Jie Wan - Strengthening Bone & Joint Pill 壮骨关节丸 - Max Nature

Millennia Brand


Zhuang Gu Guan Jie Wan is a traditional Chinese herb indicated for deficiency syndromes. Tonifying kidney benefiting liver nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation.

200 Pills per bottle

Suggested Use
5-8 Pills with warm water, 2-3 times daily

Radix Angelicae Pubescentis - Du Huo, Radix Dipsaci - Xu Duan, Herba Epimedii - Yin Yang Huo, Rhizoma Drynariae - Gu Sui Bu, Caulis Spatholobi - Ji Xue Teng, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata - Shu Di, Cortex Eucommiae - Du Zhong