Ba Wei Di Huang Wan

Ba Wei Di Huang Wan - Max Nature

Max Nature

SKU: MT-2011

Weak lower extremities; lower back pain; lower part of the body feels cold; lower abdominal pain and spasms; frequent urination; difficulty breathing; ear ringing; incontinence of urine; edema; poor memory; forgetfulness; difficulty in urination; coughing


100g (3.5oz) of the concentrated granules extracted from 500g of the raw herbs.

Suggested Use
Dissolve 1-2 grams in a cup of hot water to make a tea 2-3 times daily.

Poria, Paeony Root Bark, Alisma Tuber, Prepared Rehmannia, Comus Fruit, Chinese Yam, Prepared Aconite Root, Cinnamon Bark