Chrysanthemum Combination Capsules - Zi Shen Ming Mu Tang - 滋腎明目湯

Tonifies Liver and Kidney yin and supplements qi and blood to treat eye.
100 Capsules (500mg each) per bottle
Suggested Use
2 capsules 3 times daily.
Tang-kuei root (dang gui), Cooked rehmannia root (shu di huang), Raw rehmannia root (sheng di huang), White peony root(bai shao), Cnidium root (chuan xiong), Oriental ginseng root, Chinese licorice root (gan cao), Juncus pith (deng xin cao), Coptis root (huang lian), Gardenia fruit (zhi zi), Vitex fruit (man jing zi), Fragrant Angelica (bai zhi), Platycodon root (jie geng) , Tea leaf (cha ye), Chrysanthemum flower (ju hua).